A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Friday, December 21, 2007

there really are elves.....

Well can you tell I've been busy???? No blog updates for almost a week, that's gotta be a record for me, Cheri is even going through withdrawl, commenting that she needs me to update....Ha
Well I was a little crabby this week cuz I had to work 4 days...blah, I'm much too busy to be working that much.
Monday:cant remember what I did.

Tuesday: Mom and dad stopped by for a little visit to see our Christmas tree, they stay till 10:00 cuz we had to watch the final episode of "The biggest loser".

Wednesday: Came home from work and a Christmas Elf had been here. I walked into the kitchen to a counter that was half full of "Kiss cookies", I tell you what.... All ya gotta do is whine a little bit and leave the ingredients out in clear sight and be good all year long and look what happens....the elf comes. I wonder if I whine some more, maybe all my gifts will get wrapped :)
Thursday: (my only day off) I spent most of the day running errands, doing laundry, and feeling like a chicken with my head chopped off. Thursday night I met 6 friends at Chateau Theater and we saw the movie "awake". It was good, but we're all nurses and found so many faults with the medical stuff....ahhhh haaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Today: Had a dreadful day at work, sigh. Rick and I enjoyed a nice dinner at Macaroni grill. It was good to see you sara, and to finally meet Mike. (wink, wink) After dinner, we decided to try and finish up the Christmas shopping. Rick was my good luck charm because we got quite a lot accomplished. Only a few things to finish up tomorrow.

Hope you're all enjoying this wonderful time of year when our Savior Chris Jesus was born. He was the most perfect gift of all :)
Hope you all enjoy time with family and friends, be safe .


  1. Mom, I'm so glad you're done with your awful week of work. Glad you and Daddy got to hang out tonight :) Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow at some point before I begin the dreaded weekend.

  2. You met Mike? I don't think he exists. I've never met him.

  3. He is real....No kidding, sara really does have a boyfriend named mike Hee Hee

  4. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Told ya so, Cheri! And he's really cute!!
