A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Brianna and I planned for an overnight shopping trip this weekend so here's some of our fun experiances....

We stayed in a hotel in brunsville. It was a lovely place, and close to everything. We shopped first in the Burnsville center, and then headed out to eat supper.

We ended up at an "Old Chicago", neither Brie or me had ever been to one. We split a meal and decided to check out a movie in Lakeville, about 6 miles away.

This is us(being very frightened) in the parking lot, after the movie walking back to the car in the dark. We saw the movie "Iam Legend" which was very scary, we watched most of the movie through our fingers and had many audible screams. (Too scary for me)
Saturday morning we got up and had the continental breakfast at the hotel, then we headed over to Southdale mall. Brianna made a haul, buying herself Christmas present from money that the Grandparents gave her. It's a fun mall to browse. When Brie was done spending we hopped back in the car and headed over to St. Paul to pick up brice for lunch. Yay.....we got to see Bricey, we ate at "Bonfires" it was yummy !!! Brice showed us some of his work that he's doing for school....pretty amazing stuff.

Here we all are out in front of Brice's condo, it was a fun 2 days spent with my daughter(doing what we do best....shopping) and getting to hang out with Brice is a extra bonus :)


  1. What a very very fun trip with my mama! Love you! PS i like the scary face pic, ugh, that movie was terrifying!

  2. Sounds like a great time!
    Kirk saw that movie last night ....I freaked him out by biting his neck! (haha) Brice looks good...I miss Brice too!

  3. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Sounds like you two had a perfect shopping experience. Close to us, by the way. I was at the Burnsville mall over the weekend too...hmm...we could have passed each other.

  4. Anonymous8:17 PM

    By the way, I am not anonymous. Sorry, wrong button. It is from Cally Picker

  5. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Did it again.

  6. Fun times! Love the picture in the parking lot.

  7. 3 beautiful faces. What a lovely family picture...minus 2

  8. Jackie....i want a new blog entry! I missed being with you tonight.
