A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Bringing in the new Year

What started out as a quiet night, (just Rick and I) ended up being quite fun, with lots of family and friends here to bring in the new year. Mom and Dad showed up first after they had been out for supper. We hung out with them for awhile until low and behold some of the kids started filtering in. Jenny and Brice came back after a nice dinner out, and right behind them came my nephew Ryan and friend Wes. We all sat down to play a new game called "Don't quote me". We had 5 teams, Ryan and Wes won as we all suspected they would, Brice and Jenny came in a close 2nd.

Ryan and Wes reading a question to Brice and Jenny

So after a bit, I put the food goods out and everyone helped themselves as we continued the game and had many laughs. Chris showed up(after work) half way through the game so he join my team :) Poor Brianna had to work but was able to squeek in just before midnight so she could raise her qlass of "sparkling Grape juice" and smooch her sweetie to welcome in the new year. Gavin came home from a friends house and Hunter was also able to join us after his shift at work! Right before midnight, we all gathered in front of the TV to watch the big-ball drop, We clinked out glasses together to Welcome in 2008. Such a strange thing to see 2007 gone already... Rick commented today that it used to seem that the "years" were going by so fast, but now it seems like the "decades" are flying right by. I'm excited for the coming year, 2007 was a great year and I hope that 2008 will be even better.

Hunter, chowing down....Mom and I Losing the game :)

Brice and Ryan enjoying the food

Gavin with his favorite beverage and some gooddies

The stroke of Midnight.....CHEERS !

Us being goofy...Who needs alcohol to have a good time?

Happy New Year from Rick and I to all of you.


  1. Whatev, you and Dad were "wasted" heehee.

  2. Wasted isn't the word for it. I watched the ball drop. Gramps headed for the sack as soon as we got in the door. I knew he would.

  3. Lol Brianna. Happy New Year Jackie!

  4. HOpe your new year is filled with joy and laughter! God Bless you all!
