A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Friday, January 4, 2008

My Friend Diane

I'm sitting at Charlton 1 desk N waiting for my friend Diane to be out from her MRI. As some of you may know my Friend of many years was diagnosed with a very rare Breast CA last September. She has no family near by and is single. She's a sweet person, but is starting to get tired of it all. The last round of Chemo has been especially hard on her and she is nauseous most of the time. We do chuckle abit about the feeling being about as close to pregnant that she'll ever be. (she has a great sense of humor). Her hands and feet are numb from peripheral neuropathy so she's unable to work anymore which kinda gets her down since her co-workers are basically her family.
We've been here since 7:00am, first it was blood work, then Chemo and now the MRI. Hopefully we will do lunch after the MRI, If she's not feeling too nauseous.
I'm thankful the I am able to be with her, especially since Diane hates....I mean HATES getting stuck,(with needles) she likes the support near her when she get the needle stick. Only twice today...could of been 3 sticks but the Chemo people left the IV in so the MRI people could use it.
Her surgrey is scheduled for the end of February and She's hoping that her Brother can make it from Washington. I'm hoping to fanagel my schedule so that I can also be with her on that day.
As I sit here and reflect, I'm so thankful for my health, a recent physical has deemed me healthy. All lab values within limits, healthy heart and Blood pressure. My big news is that I may have some degenerative arthritis in my big toe....Whoop-peeee ding. Again, I am thankful for my good health, and let me tell you I do thank God every day :)
For you prayer warriors out there please include "Diane" in your prayers....God already knows her needs, but she is always amazed when I tell her that people who dont even know her are praying for her. There....now I've taken up some of my idle time while I wait, I suppose I could start my Crocheting project...a new dishcloth


  1. Jackie...you are an amazing friend to so many people. What love you are showing Diane....truly being the hands (by handholding) and feet (being with her) of God to Diane.

    I KNOW I am blessed and thankful to count you as my friend!

  2. I'll keep her in my prayers, she is lucky to have a friend like you! Congrats on being healthy, something to be thankful for!

  3. AMEN to GOOD HEALTH! We all need to count our blessings...and be there to support those people in need. God Bless You Jackie!

  4. Way to go daughter. Diane is a very lucky lady to have a friend like you. God bless her and you. Be there be square.
