A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

20 Random things about me
(Good Idea Cheri, hope you dont mind that I copied you)

1. When I stay in a hotel I always count the doorways to the nearest stairwell, and then i count the number of steps down to the exit door, incase of a fire.
2. I Love to sing
3. I Love my ankles and wrists. (They both have 0% body fat) Un like the rest of my body).
4. I've been to the Ocean, desert, and mountains, and I love the ocean best.
5. I re-taught myself how to crochet this week.

6. I like scary movies, but have to watch them through my fingers.
7. I miss that Brice and Brie arent hear all the time, but I'm thankful that Gavin is..... This empty nest thing is for the birds....no pun intended.
8. I'm hopelessly in Love with Rick, and thank God for him everyday.
9. My favorite coffe drink is a Sugarfree, fatfree Vanilla latte, extra hot with no foam.
10. I'm still looking for the perfect job, and I'm pretty sure it wouldnt be in the nursing field.
11. I do 400 sit-ups a week and still dont have a "6-pack"
12. I am overwhelmed with hope and joy in knowing that I will spend eternity with Jesus.
13. I Love to Drive in Chicago..or any big city, just dont ask me what direction I'm going.
14. The smell of fresh cut grass is like a drug.... I love to mow !
15. I love "upnorth" in the fall when you have to wear a sweatshirt in the morning cuz it's a little too chilly out.
16. My feet grew 1/2 inch with every one of my kids, that's why I had to stop having babies...Ha
17. I would love to have dinner with Johnny Depp, Julia Roberts and Judy Garland. 18. I have bit my fingernails since I was born and cant stop. (and yes, I've tried the nasty tasting stuff you put on your fingers...that just makes me mad)
19. I think i would have made a good Farmer. (I long to be out in a combine at dusk)
20. Never had a speeding ticket !!! So how's that one for ya


  1. What a blog. My random thought is will I be able to get out of bed in the morning?

  2. cool blog I wanna do it! there are just so many interesting facts about you mama. love you!

  3. I know a couple other people in my life who love to count things too! Doors, steps, lines in the road, etc,etc. Sheesh...
