A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Cars are putting us in the poor house

YAY....I made it, I got through the week. (and I only whined a little). For some stupid reason I was scheduled this week to work all 5 days. I'm only suppose to work 3 days a week. I spent my whole week, wishing my week was over...isnt that sad. Sheesh.
I had a busy day but was graciously released from my torment an hour early. So I went to Curves and worked out then came home and made some yummy goulash for supper. I'm really the only one who likes it, Rick puts up with it and Gavin would rather die than eat even a bit, HA. Brice called tonight and is having major car troubles....When will it ever end, We are doomed to never get caught up with car bills. Anyone with any extra cash or a free car just let me know. Send Money to 3909 Chesapeake Lane NW Roch Mn 55901. C/O Rick Hemmer.
Rick and I are gonna take a trip over to the "Home Depot" Wow....Friday nights get pretty wild around here :)


  1. Aarrrghhh car problems. I always feel like we are just a mile away from something happening....which is par for the course when you your cars are all over 100K miles.

    Oh...and I'm with Rick on the goulash...I can take it or leave it..but it is one of Kirk's favorite meals.

  2. me no likey goulash, bah, but i'd eat it. Sorry about the car probs....sad day.

  3. Your wild Friday nights top the ones here. We watch Ninja Worriors.
    At least its intertaining.

  4. hehe i made goulash this week too! way to much of it i've eaten it everyday i think!
