A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

More about nothing

Well, Brice got the word from the mechanic in the cities that his car would have to be "put to rest". So back up to the cities we went yesterday to deliver "Gavin's car" to Brice. (poor Gavie). Brice actually needs a car far worse that gavin. Brice's job requires a car since he has been promoted to "driver" for Jimmy John's. A better position in that it involves large sums of tips!!! (pocket money). Brice also Drives to Minneapolis once a week to his other part-time job....Jamey's studio cleaner. The other reason he needs a car is that he drives somewhere to donate plasma twice a week which puts $60.00 in his pocket. Soooooooooo, there you have it....Brice wins, he gets the car.
I'm off all this week but have no big plans, I did prime the bathroom walls today and I will probably paint on Thursday, which means tomorrow I need to pick out some paint. I'm trying to finish a book I've been reading for quite some time, it's called "Pillars of the earth", a very crazy and stressful book, too many characters and stuff to remember. It's a good book, but I never would have chosen to read it based on the cover(as most of you know that's how I choose my books) but oprah recommended it and well.....you know if Oprah says it's good then it must be, hee hee.
Tonight I made rick and I some "slidders" a.k.a White castle burgers, and we watched "Idol". Brianna and Chris came over for a little visit, so we chit chatted a bit. Gavin is at work, but should be home soon. I think I'll be going to bed early tonight, I'm feeling bit tired, and I should read some more. I really have nothing exciting to say so I think I'll be done now....night all


  1. Poor Gavin. It's like a punch in the gut for a guy to have his wheels taken out from under him.

    White Castles - yahoo!

  2. I like your picture this week Jackie! It's my favorite. You look so melancoly. Sorry to hear about Brice's car. Please tell me he doesn't donate plasma twice a week! Isn't that dangerous? Did you mean twice a month?

  3. Nope twice a week....its not dangerous. they only allow it twice a week or believe me he'd do it more :)

  4. poor lil brice's car... sad day. yay for painting tomorrow!
