A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

SLEEP....it's over-rated!!!

So Brice is home on Spring break, (which is very lovely indeed)!!! Things just get a little more interesting around here.
Yesterday morning I was going to sneak into Brices room at 6:00 am to get a pair of clean socks out of his basket for Gavin (whose socks were all dirty). I quietly turned the knob of his door and ever so gently stepped into Brice's room. I peeked over at his bed and there he was all wide-eyed with a smile on his face, watching an episode of "lost". So here's our conversation....
Me: Brice what in the world are you doing?.....
Brice: "Watching "Lost" !
Me: "Please dont tell me you havent even gone to bed yet"
Brice: "Yah....well I was just thinking about doing that"
So it's 6:00am and Brice is just going to bed from the night before.....Lord help me.

So brice "slept in" till 1:30pm. I got him up so we could go have lunch together and do a little shopping. We had lunch at "noodles" then went to the mall, all we ended up with was a "Starbucks".

I made some of my Homemade Chicken noodle soup for supper and we all settled down to watch American Idol. (kristy Lee...you're going down this week). Chris got out of class a bit early so he came over cuz Brie was already here.
After Idol a few of us went upstairs to play a game, and a certain 2 males won (but they had all the easy questions).
Rick and Brice ended up watching a movie at 10:30....Gav and I went to bed.

My mom and sis-in-law Cindy came over for a visit, We had some coffee and yummy caramel rolls that cindy brought over. We had a nice time catching up.
Brice is up to go play Basket ball with Rick and Chris and I am about to do something...just not sure what. So that's all for now, maybe I'll blog later today if I have anything to add.

Brice is teaching me how to do Layers on Photoshop.....No Jensen is not a triplet.....Ha