A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I dont really have much to blog about, but I'm having withdrawl so I'll try to come up with something.
Yesterday and today I worked at Gonda, both were good days, tomorrow looks like a decent day as well (things have been know to "look good" one minute and turn into a mad fury the next). Tonight we went to watch Gavin's track meet. He threw 127'2". Not sure what place he took, guess we'll find out tomorrow. My Mom and Dad, Rick's dad and Brianna also came to watch.We went to Applebees after the meet and had supper then home to watch American Idol.
I feel like I could just go to bed right now and it's only 9:00. Just tired I guess. I'm looking forward to having Thursday and Friday off....whoop
I want to wish my good Friend Diane a Happy Birthday today....HOLLA !!!
Diane has had a minor set-back, she had to have a tube inserted for some fluid buildup folloing surgery, but all is well, She is in the process of beginning radiation and as soon as that stinking tube comes out she gets to go back to work. I am so proud of you Diane, you are amazing.


  1. sweet blog mom. Gav got 1st, he told me, whoop.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yea G U da bomb.

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