A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Things you should know, and then some

So today I was up at 04:50am, I wasnt happy about the fact that me and a bunch of peeps from my unit had to have a 2 hour inservice on new IV pumps, before our shift even started....blah blah blah.
Then work got started and all seemed well, but as usual on Friday afternoon, all h*** breaks loose. Every body and their mother needs a filter placed or a tube checked, WOW.
Sorry to sound so grumpy. I think I was just tired today and a few frustrations at work really tested my patience.
Thought I would share a few of the procedures I help with most days in Interventional Vascular Radiology.
The little spider-like contraption here is a Filter that when placed in the Inferior VenaCava, it catches life threatening clots that otherwise would travel to your lungs,brain or heart. To the Right of it is the IVC (big vessel) with the filter sitting nicely where it belongs. The Doc usually goes in through the Right femerol Artery, and fishes a catheter around til he get where he needs to be then he deposits it just in the right spot..... a very cool procedure. p.s. after several months they remove the filter through the neck.
Next is a picture of a Renal Arteriogram. The arrows show the Renal arteries which we often check to see if they are blocked or narrowed. If that is true the patient buys himself a Stent.
Below is what the stent looks like when placed in the renal artery, pretty cool, huh.
so enough about all that for now, I think every now and again i will spring some more fasinating procedures on ya..... I bet you cant wait.
I got home (never thought I would) and cleaned the entire house. I lifted everything off Gavin's floor and placed it on his bed so that when he got home he could put it all where it belongs. All I really have left to do is the main bathroom, guess I'll do that tomrrow. I was pretty Zombie-like after that so Rick warm himself up some leftovers, and i stared blankly at the wall, then read the newspaper.
I'm gonna finish this blog and go to bed, hope you all have a lovely weekend.


  1. jeesh, what a crazy day, what posessed you to clean the whole house after a day like that? Well, tomorrow shall be fun! Love you! And I greatly enjoyed the pictures/explanations, very interesting!

  2. Ditto. I cleaned my pid sty too.

  3. I cleaned yesterday too! It wore me out, but it feels so good today! Kirk's dad has had the spider "filter" put in. I've had a stent...only in my kidney "tubes" or whatever they are. But I was under general anesthesia. TMI, I know.
    Hope you have a better next couple days.

  4. Wow, rough day! But those pictures are VERY cool!!
