A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Big Nine

What a great day to hang out at the "BIG NINE" track meet in Fairbault. We are faithful fans of the "Throwers", so it's fun watching all the boys that Gavin hangs out with.

Gavin and Tyler Chillin while they wait for their Flight to begin.

Gavin took 7th place out of 30 throwers, not bad Gavin, way to go :)

Coach on the Left and the Century Throwers, hanging out in between flights.

This is Gavin's first year throwing the shot put, Tyler is giving Gavin some helpful tips. (Tyler placed 9th out of 30 throwers.)

Throwing Shot


  1. Way to go Gavin. Good job. I don't think I could have beat you.

  2. I heart the throwers

  3. Way ta go Gavmeister! You rock da house!
