A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Quiet day at work

It's extremely quiet at work today...very out of the ordinary lately. It's 12:00 noon and there is only 2 more patients to do procedures on....whoop. There is always the chance that we could have "add-ons" but that would be ok for lack of boredom.
For lunch today I decided to go sit out in one of St.Mary's couryards, it was absolutley beautiful out there. I usually dont have my phone on nor do I ever have it on me while at work, but i happened to think about it while I was outside so I took it out of my backpack and turned it on. A few minutes later it was ringing in my pocket. I was thrilled to see that it was Brianna. She was actually on break too. She went to my unit first, and they sent her on a goose chase looking for me. She finally just called so I told her where I was and she came out to enjoy the sunshine with me. We had a nice time just relaxing and chit chatting about our jobs.
Now I'm in the building again, where its dark (no windows), and i'm wishing I was outside again. I plan to get home after work and mow the yard. Then I will watch American Idol. It's the finalle'. I want David Cook to win, but I think David Archelleta will will cuz all the little girls will vote for him. I guess they'll both have a career no matter who wins.
A big "holla" goes out to Brice, He landed an Internship with a great little design company. I'm so happy for ya Brice. I know it'll be the perfect one for you !!!!
I'm looking forward to a long weekend I'll be off May 23 -26, that's 4 whole days, yip yip.
I guess that'll be all for now. Enjoy this wonderful day


  1. Yea for Brice. I know you will do us proud just like the 3 ahead of you. J M and B if you don't know who I mean.

  2. I hate being in a builing all day. I'm thinking I'd rather be poor and at home than have $ and work.....hmmmmm

  3. I agree with Cheri. It's too hard to sit inside on such beautiful god given days of sunshine and warmth! Congratulations Brice! You will love working with Sean! I think he's almost as crazy as Jamey!
