A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

"Nip um in the bud"....literally

As I walked through the yard today I got a Shoebox full of dandilions .
That's usually the extent of it since I have kept a tight leash on those babies since day one.
It's been a few days since I last blogged so I guess I can catch you up on my week thus far.
Monday I worked like a mad dog at "Gonda". We had 18 patients, the most I've ever seen there is 15. A typical day is about 6-8 patients. Gonda only has 2 procedure rooms with 1 full day doctor along with 1 part day doctor (who usually leaves at noon). It ran pretty smooth but we were wild busy.
Tuesday (Day off) I cleaned the house and hung the clothes out to dry.
It was really a gorgeous day. By late afternoon I was blessed by the sound of thunder. I sat at Panera for awhile and sippped on a Vanilla Latte while reading a good book. I also got to visit with my son-in-law, who is working right next door to Starbucks. I got to see him all dressed up, looking all dapper :)
As always Brianna, Rick and myself sat down at 7:00p to enjoy "American Idol" (Chris had class and Gavin had a meet in the cities.) I believe Jason will be packing his bags tonight, He needs to go home.
Today, Well I went with mom to a Doctor's appointment and then we had lunch. We had a nice time "shooting the breeze". From there I came home and worked on the computer and got some much needed stuff done. I decided I needed some time outside so I headed out to scan the yard for weeds. Rick is golfing with his friend Kerry, Gavin is at a friends house working on a project, so here I sit.....sigh. Brianna and Chris will be here soon to watch the results show of American Idol, they will keep me company, YAY !!!
Tomorrow and Friday I work (blah). Brice told me Sunday that he will be home "sometime", so that means it could have been Tuesday afternoon, or yet tonight at 3am or this coming Saturday night at 10pm. One never knows with Brice. The boy keeps us guessing. I wonder what it's like to "live in the minute"?


  1. It was a cool day at the dr. He was a nice guy, but he pinched my boots too hard. LOL. Peeps will guess at that. giggle giggle. Lunch was scrumpish. Thanks JKL.

  2. Nice to know your lawn will look like carpet again this year.Wish I had that much time on my hands.

  3. a slip of the fingiee. JK.

  4. Cool you get Brice home for a bit! We have dandelions here if you need more :)

  5. I picked 4 from my little yard, heehee, I thought of you.

  6. That's my girl :)
