A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Rain Rain...go away. Come again some other day.

Did anyone else notice that the weekend consisted of rain....pretty much rained all stinking weekend. Today between showers I decided to take a little walk around my yard, here's a few pics of things I saw...I was so bored

This Hosta is HUGE, right now it's pretty cuz the bugs havent started eating it yet.

This is a picture of my grass from ground level. It's is so long I will need to bale it.

Me and my Camera.... Inseparable

The weekend was fun dispite the rain. Rick and I went to 2 movies, we had dinner last night with Brianna, Kellie and Jill. Brice was home for a quick visit, YAY. We sat with the Dietzmans at the mall today, along with most of the Hemmer's and Whit. You cant beat lunch with family and good friends :)


  1. I loved spending time with you guys today! A person could get used to that! ;)

    Can't you weather-gene people do SOMEthing about all this precip?

  2. Nice blog JK. You know when you get bored you can always call 282-4397. I'm always good for a few laughs.

  3. yo mamma would take a pic of yo mamma
