A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Outside "family room"

We are just having a blast making our deck a more enjoyable place to be. Saturday we purchased a beautiful Gazebo. Sunday Rick set it up (which involved some pretty shifty manuvers) Today I purchased some comfy furniture. I had to do some taking them down on the prices, so we got some great deals. It's very lovely, I hope to soon get a fountain and some light to string across the top of the gazebo. Also waiting for one more chair to go on sale. Then I think I'll be finished.


  1. Ahhhhh....a much needed oasis. Nice job Jackie and Rick. It's lovely.

  2. Ver'nice. You done good! A good place for a cup o' java in the morn'n and a little ??? in the eve.

  3. Will the mattress still fit?

  4. TMI Cheri,,wink wink

  5. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Looks great Jackie! We've been toying with the same idea, but Nervous Nellie (me!) is concerned about how it will stand (where it will go!) when we get the strong winds we so often get. Will you let us know how it stands during your next windy storm? I've been eying some furniture at SuperTarget and Home Depot, so you just may have a replica in Victoria soon!

  6. Kitty, I need your e-mail address. Our computer crashed and I lost some of my addresses. Thanks
