A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Stayin' cool

A hot & humid day, three girls, and a sprinkler = FUN
Jill and Kellie (my Nieces) and Brianna decided to cool off after a few games of volleyball in the back yand. Gavin and Chris decided to skip the sprinkler.
Kellie appears to be amused my Jill. Brianna seems indifferent...
Jill, wetting her whistle.
Might as well wash their hair.
(very cheap entertainment for the rest of us)
Brie is very wet , Chris assumes the... "keep your distance pose"


  1. I was just telling Eric yesterday that I wanted to play in the sprinklers I kept seeing all over the place...apparently I wasn't the only one.

  2. OH MY!!! What a batch of kids.

  3. heehee, so much fun! I was wet for the rest of the day, but it was worth it!

  4. Chris's face speaks a thousand words! Ha! Ha! Silly, silly Girls!
