A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Seriously....I REALLY needed a new purse.

"My name is Jackie and I have a purse fetish". Ha
I LOVE "bags" but one of my favorite designers is, "Kathy Van Zeeland".
A few months ago my wonderful husband bought me a "Tignanello" bag for our anniversary (which I might say has served me well and I also love this designer). The reason for a new purse is this, (although I really never need a reason)..... I was in JC Penny's the other day and my phone started to ring. I reached into my nice little phone pocket to grab the phone and to my surprise it wasnt there, hummmmmm, it's ringing somewhere in there. I frantically shovel through my purse attempting to locate this phone (which is ALWAYS in it's place) before I lose the call, after all it might be that rare call from Brice. Well after about 2 minutes I finally dig it out from the depths of my purse lining. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, my cell phone pocket has a hole in the lining. It's unfixable, so therefore the next day I was on the prowl for a new purse. It took me 2 days to finally find the perfect purse and here it is......I LOVE IT !!!

Kathy's purses have a tendency to have fun charms and glitsy shiny things all over it. Those of you who can appreciate purses could relate that this is a "FUN" purse :) .......
....and very funtional at the same time! (note the cozy cell phone pocket in the pic above on the left). The Pretty gold lining accents beautifully.

Here it is hanging on the banister, waiting for the next shopping excursion. I'm thinking I could use some new shoes, that's another blog....another day :)
P.S. Here's my other Kathy VanZeeland bag. It's the one I use to carry my bible, journals and books. Can't forget the highlighters, reading glasses, lipstick and Advil.
It's a very large bag, perfect for toting around all my readings etc.


  1. Way too flashy for me. I'm a plain jane.

  2. oh mamma, you and your fun purses :) I'm glad you found just the one you wanted. Pretty new colors on your blog too!

  3. I think i'm in love!

  4. I've seen some of these at TJ Maxx and just have to walk away...I could have a different handbag for every day of the week I love them so much. I Start with the shoes and then figure out which bag I'm gonna need. Only problem is when I switch the purse I always seem to forget something. Oh well. It's fun to see that you are just as gaga as me! Let's go purse & shoe shopping together sometime Jackie!

  5. Anonymous9:34 AM

    I really like your purse Jac....if you needed a replacement you should have just asked...I have at least one extra "special" bag you could have borrowed!

  6. Jodi , I wasnt about to wait even one more day for you to offer me one of your "BAGS". beside I know how special they are to you....Ha
