A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Busy couple of day

Felt like all I did was work this week and last night was the worst. I ended up working an hour overtime on a night that I most wanted to get off on time, and my last case was a all around frustating situation...argh. Below is a pic of where I spend most of my time at work, This is our Vascular lab at the Gonda bldg. The big blob in the middle is a fluroscopy machine, it's like "sametime" imaging, pretty cool stuff. The machine on the right is the anesthesia machine and cardiac monitor...that's my baby, I fiddle with all that stuff, it's the screen I watch to make sure my patients are breathing and their hearts are beating. If they decide to stop breathing (cuz I've given them too much "happy juice)", then the anesthesia peeps come help me out (four hands are better that two). To the left is a little gray procedure table, that's where the patient lay. Anywho...that's a little bit about where I work.
After I FINALLY got off work, Rick picked me up and we headed to the Homecoming football game. Lots of family came to watch Gavin play including two special alumni......

Our boy Brice and his sweet girlfriend Jenny. Brice is also an alumi football player for Century...they could have used him last night, unfortunatly Century lost to Fairbault, drats.
Uncle brad and aunt Julie as well as Aunt susan came to watch, also Bro-in-law Chris, Grandpa E., Grandparents H. and Rick and I. Thanks for the support guys !!!
This morning Rick, Brice and I went our for breakfast then did a little shopping, It was good to have Brice all to ourselves for a few hours, then he headed back to the cities for a long hard day of homework/projects. Later I attended a bridal Shower, held baby david for a while, then headed home only to leave again to head over to check on Mom. She came home today from the hospital. She is doing well following surgery. Dad and I tackled her 6 drains, it's a 2 person job!!! Brie, Chris and my Niece MJ showed up to visit grandma also, I know that made her night. Thands for your youthful cheer you three :)
Now I'm home feeling somewhat exhausted and just wishing to be in bed...so here I go.


  1. YOu make my head spin Jackie! Sooo busy all the time! Sheesh. When's a girl getta nap in? I was particularly pleased to see where you work. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Fun stuff. I just noticed you put pictures of us kids on the side, cool.

  3. thanks for the pic of the place you work. it's nice to see where you slave away. Proud of you AJ! was really good to see you this weekend! Let's do it again sometime!!!


