A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Through the years...Go get um boys

We're headed to watch Gavin play football at Century tonight. The opponet is Austin. We are hoping for a big win, so we'll be cheering till we're blue in the face :)
The top picture is 9th Grade, Gavin (Left) and his friend Tyler (right)
The bottom showns two bigger boys playing in their 4th year together. Gavin(right) and Tyler (Left)

I'm such a mom, cuz I just get all emotional and giddy in the same moment when I see these two young boys (3 yrs ago) getting all grown up , and Might i Just add......with full beards and big muscles, Crazy stuff man!

Good Luck Tonight boys
Gavin (defensinve line)
Tyler (Offensive line)


  1. It was a great game. Gavin is the boom. The mussels came from eating Granny's potato salad.

  2. Oooh..love that song. From one of my favorite movies "Walk to Remember" (This is for Brianna) "Especially you!" Sorry this had nothing to do with the post. Go Panthers! :)

  3. cute, they were so tiny and now so big! Go Pantha's

    PS: nice Heather, ESPECIALLY YOU!!!

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