A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

***** ENGAGED *****

It all began their senior year of high school and now almost 4 years later..... after becoming best friends and developing a wonderful relationship they are taking it to the next level.

BRICE & JENNY are getting married....yea !

I remember the first time I heard about this "girl from school". Brice said he was heading over to the Athletic club (we weren't members). I asked him what for.... He said a girl from School is gonna take me on a tour of the facility. "oh REALLY", I say in a slow deliberate voice. "Well, isnt that nice. It wasnt long after and we met this lovely girl who we instantly adored. I fell in love with Jenny's contagious laugh and postitive, happy outlook on everything. Over the years I have loved seeing the two of them together, they make each other laugh, and the twinkle in their eyes say it all. Jenny makes my Brice happy, she has grown to know his character and personality and she lets him be....brice. As a mom I couldnt ask for anything else. I see Brice treat Jenny like a princess...not with gifts but with the way he cares for her. He's has been known to go to her apartment late at night just to squish a bug that's crawling on her wall and he's even cleaned up her Erp after she got sick from the flu. (now that's dedication) They are a match made in Heaven and they have our complete blessing in this decision to marry.

Congrats you two, we love you both and cant wait to have another daughter. (officially that is)


  1. Sooo Happy! congratulations!

  2. Finally catching up on my blog reading!

    WOW....a wedding and a grandbaby, and a graduation all in the same year?

  3. two graduations....yikes

  4. Sheesh....that's right. Good thing you didn't have the kids too close together! :)
