A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Farmgirl want-to-be

A DREAM COME TRUE......seriously
As I drove down the gravel road, I see the farm Gene has given me directions to...so begins my dream come true.
One of my favorite things in life is Barns, farms, fields, tractors, silos, crops,...you get the picture. I think I should have been born in a barn, Ha
Really, I love farms and all that goes with it. As children we used to go to grandma's farm and tear around like wild banchies. We would sneak up in the hay loft and run around avoiding the VERY dangerous openings in the floor of the loft (4x4 square holes for dropping hay bales). What kind of parent let their little kids risk falling through a hole onto the cement floor many feet below..... My parents did!!! and I'm so thankful for those memories of being a farm kid if only for a few hours. Putting the chickens to sleep....well that's another story :)

Gene says, " you'll drive right straight through the farmyard and down a dirt path to get to the field. Look for my combine"
My heart is racing as I see Gene working in the field, he has a full load and is just about to head in to "dump the load of corn" whoop whoop
My Friend Gene
I never in my wildest dreams ever thought I would be in the fields harvesting corn on a real combine, with a real farmer.
Last year I wrote a blog about my wish to ride on a combine during the harvest. Well, my dear friend Cozy, brought this to her husbands attention ( her husband being Gene). Gene called me up and told me that he felt like he was part of the "make a wish foundation" and that he wanted to make my wish come true. Well he did just that today when he called me to join him out in the field while he did a little "combining". Well... you don't have to ask me twice!
At one point something got clogged up and I got to assist Gene in the purging of the "stuff" that was doing the clogging. Gene gave me my crucial assignment. I slid over over to the drivers seat, and as insturcted... I lifted up and pushed forward the first little yellow button. (for 3 seconds). Problem solved. whoooo hooooooo !

This field finished....just a portion of what Gene has left to harvest.

Here we are.
I traveled the field with Gene for 3 hours. I could have stayed all day and into the night but life poses many things to do on a day off.
So off I went....thankful for this incredible experience, fun reminiscing and great conversation.

Following Gene back down the dirt path, as he travel to another field, and I resume my life as a city girl.

Fun facts I learned today.
* "open a field"- when you start a new field it take a few manuvers to get the rows started, as to go back and forth easily.
* corns moisture count today was 21%, ( the combines computerized monitor said so, and believe me... it knows )
* the field we combined was 55 acres
* A yellow light whirls and flashes when the load is at 70%
Check out the short video of my view from the passengers seat.
Thanks Gene


  1. What a easy farmers life you had today. We opened the field by hand. The horses hooked to a wagon and picking the corn by hand and throwing it into the wagon. Modern farming. WOW.

  2. i'm SO happy for you jackie!!! haha i love it.

  3. Oh come on now mom. That was then...and this is now!

  4. WAY cool! A dream come true! I think you need chickens! Now I know who to ask to care for the chickens when I have to be gone....the farmgirl wannabe! :)

  5. Oh Jackie...you'd be crying for your city lifestyle within a week-guarantee ya! Ha! What a joyful experience on such a beautiful fall day.

  6. Wow Mom, that's really cool! I love your pictures. You can see the tinkle of joy in your eyes! I'm glad Gene could make your life long dream come true. I watched the video, I can see why it's fun to watch the rows go down! yip yip! I wanna!
