A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Just 13 kiddo's tonight, not a whole lot but it was great to see a few out having fun. What a perfect night for the little gobblins. Gavin created the "batman pumpkin" a few nights ago. Nice job Gav ! Brie and Chris came over since no kids come to their town house. Chris did a great job of giving out 20 candybars to each kid, Ok...I'm exagerating just a bit.
Do you rememeber being a kid on Halloween? Share a memory with me, just something that sticks in your head.I remember that we went to a million houses...no parents just "the gang of neighbor kids" We used pillow cases so we could get lots of candy, and man we did. I remember that we got to keep our own candy and eat it as we pleased but "The Pearson kids" didnt get to. Their mom made them put all their candy together in a big heap, they didnt even get to have their own stash, that's not the worst of it though....they actually had to ask permission to eat the candy. Talk about a nightmare on Palm Lane.
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