A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Friday, November 7, 2008

My first born

First born childrenTraits:
Tends to be logical, reliable, ambitious, conventional and scholarly. Likely to be perfectionists and have strong powers of concentration.
First born children are known to be highly organized and eager to please (probably a result of the constant attention they received as youngsters).
They are often excellent leaders
YEP...pretty much describes my first-born
Brianna is my first born, she has always been a leader and highly organized,
especially when she was a student.
She continues to be logical, reliable and eager to please.
Growing up she had tendencies to be a perfectionist.
Details were and sometimes now are very important to her.
5 1/2 Months old. Cutest baby face I've ever seen.
Seriously, I believe she is the cutest baby ever.
18 months old and not afraid of the big slide in Kasson.
These 2 pictures are proof that Brianna was indeed a "toe head" (blonde)
2 yrs old
The goofy side, Brianna loved to "Play", and usually was the "boss" when any organization needed to be done. Age 10
Brianna and Water go hand in hand. On the beach in Florida, age 16

More "watergirl". She's quite the wild women on ski's.
Long Lake age 16...i think

Sassy and spunky at age 22.

I think they forgot to list Funny on the traits list...

We are so proud of this beautiful, funny, caring, selfless, and intelligent young lady.
She has alway brought us joy.
Her strong morals, faith and common sense gave us no need
to worry in those teenage years,
This girl is just simply a blessing!
All grown up but still.....Daddy's little girl
We Love you little first born :)
Some famous first born children:
Bill Cosby, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Winston Churchill, Rush Limbaugh and presidents Bush (George W.), Johnson, Carter and Truman
Hummmm..... Brianna's not like any of these peeps


  1. She is my third born grandchild. Amazing and she will make me a great granny.

  2. Great pictures of little Brianna. First borns are pretty amazing! :)

  3. Go firstborns! (I'm one too)

  4. Awww, that was so sweet! Thanks Mama! I owe everything to my parents!!! I wonder if all the neighboor kids thouht I was bossy but they were too afraid to mess with me or maybe they appreciate the level of organization and complexity to our games, haha. Thanks for puttin up the cute lil baby pics. I can't believe that's me with the blonde hair! Fun fun. Love you so much!
    PS: I think I am exactly like Oprah and Hillary, mauahahaha.

  5. I like being a first born! Maybe thats why were such great friends!!!! Miss you!

  6. if brianna was bossy, then i must have been a little monster! being the "bossy" one in our cuzzinship. i think actually we worked well together...we each got to be the boss sometimes. i am glad you had my cuzzin brianna. i love her!
