A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Friday, November 14, 2008

My Mom....the Birthday girl

To the goofiest Mom ever.....Happy birthday

My dad's brother sent my mom this Bikini for her birthday, so my mom (not wanting to let Bob get one-up on her), made it into a hat and ear muff set.

She sent him these pictures with a thankyou card for the nice winter hat and earmuffs, and told him they would match nicely with her black coat. I wish i could be a mouse in the corner when he opened up that letter, ahhhhh hhaaaaaaa.

Yesterday Mom and I went out for a nice birthday lunch to Olive Garden (one of mom's favorites).
Here we are waiting to be seated, the place was a zoo.
Anyway, I hope you have a lovely birthday today mom. Thanks for being the coolest mom ever (even though you make me clip stitches in places that....stitches hadn't ought to be....Ha, Love you, Your favorite (Hee hee)
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  1. Oh cute, Gran is so funny and good thing you're there to encourage her. Glad you too had fun at O.G. Love ya and HB-day to Gran!

  2. Happy birthday G-ran-E, holla!
