A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Two day get-away

Part one: Yesterday I headed up to the cities to spend some time with my sister. We shopped and shopped, talked & talked and ate. It was allllll good. I spent the night at her house and got to spend some time hanging out with my nephew Sam and niece Jensen and Bro-in-law Darin. The time always goes too fast but I'm thankful for anytime we get!!!
Today, I got up and took Sam and Jensen to school then headed over to hang with Brice for awhile. He took me to a place called, "Punch" for lunch. It's a yummy little pizza place...very good

Below is my pizza and the brick oven that they cooked it in.
This picture was in the women's bathroom...
I thought it was funny
After we ate, Brice took me over to his workplace where he is doing his internship. I met his boss and saw the desk he sits at to do all his work, so that was cool. We also got to stop in and see my nephew Jamey. I love his studio

Part Two: The drive home.....
I was again reminded of why I dont live in the cities...

Notice the break light.... Accident ahead
(so of course we are backed up for miles)
Same kind of thing behind me....rememeber we are basically at a standstill, so the pure boredom prompted me to take pictures.
and of course there is the never-ending construction on 35W, Grrrrrr

Did I mention that I hate the big trucks. They are forever in my way. They really should have their own road.


  1. I like your pics and those pics are also why I never want to live there, what a pain. Glad you had fun with the Luehrs and Bricey

  2. You should talk to Cara about sitting in traffic after an accident (and having to pee). She sat for nearly 4 hours on an Indiana Interstate without moving on Monday!!

  3. Anonymous10:51 PM

    It's not all that bad up here! My little town out here in the suburbs probably rivals Wabasha in quietness! IF I have to go in anywhere by the city, I try to time it because the traffic freaks me out too...had to go to the MOA on Monday and I was praying there and back!

  4. I love the new blog layout! Very cool.
    I agree with you. I hate sitting in traffic and I HATE semis!

  5. Anonymous10:52 PM

    what are you doing taking pictures while driving??? hehhee
