A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


I've never been "BIG" on New Year's resolutions but I can't say it hasn't crossed my mind.
So this year as every year I don't have one. But.... I was thinking the other day how I would like to have more "balance" in my life. I know I really lack in taking time for myself. I always feel like there is something I should be doing (for anyone but myself).
Now I don't mean I NEVER take time for myself cuz I do,
but I think I need to do it without feeling hurried or guilty.
So I think it's a healthy attitude to have and I began yesterday (I had 2 days in a row off)
Yesterday I basically spent the day doing what I like to do....browse! I love to browse, I don't always have to buy, but I just enjoy browsing. I also had Lunch with my dear daughter which I always love to do (after lunch we went browsing, Ha).
So today to keep the "balance"
I decided I needed to spend time in my home, there is always lots to do!
I got the boys bedding washed, Floors washed, I even cleaned Gavin's room which was a job in itself, and somewhere in there I got 5 loads of laundry done .
I got the upstairs Christmas decorations put away and that level cleaned.
Then to keep the "balance", I took a few hours and went to get
some much needed Groceries.
It was a beautiful afternoon so I brought my camera along and went out in the country to take a few pictures to promote winters beauty...
A barn and silo's
Icey reflection off the field

I looked behind me and was quite surprise to see....the moon (I was kind of confused as to how I could see the sun and the moon at the same time...and so clear)
The good ole' Douglas Trail
Another wind-swept field

and then a Black and white to give some effect to the winter solace.
Back home I came and sat down to some more "balance" in my day.
For Christmas I received this "Read in a year Bible" from Brianna and Chris,
so I have been dilligent in reading every day.
It was a nice break after putting away $115.00 worth of Groceries.
Tonight, I had dinner with Rick, Brice, and Chris, then watched some football, folded some clothes, watched some more football (I live in a house full of men)
I listened to Gavin play piano and then sat down to blog.
I feel balanced...Ha
Now all I gotta do is throw some exercise into the maddness and I'll be set.


  1. I love the icy snow picture with the sun shining on it. It reminds me of the ocean. You amaze me at how much you can do in one day. You should write a book on how to make the most use of your time while ensuring your own "Balance". Ha!

  2. You go my balanced daughter.

  3. Sounds like a good day! I love the pictures! The field ones are so cool

  4. I like the tree pic...even though I don't like snow
