A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

As seenon TV

Ok Ladies (and the few guys that read my blog)
I have discovered a true miracle.
THE PED EGG (as seen on TV)
This is a shameful gross topic which I'm a tad bit embarrased to talk about but I feel like this one might actually help someone else that has the same nasty dry cracked heels as I had just 2 weeks ago.
To give you a little history I am, and always will be hopelessly barefooted.
My feet love to be out in the open, you will find me barefoot 365 days a year. I will resort to socks when I leave the house in the winter, but as soon as I come in the house off go the sock.
This my friends has cause years and years of wear & tear on my poor feet. I was to the point of embarrasment that someone might notice my nasty heels. I have tried many different gimics such as files, creams, pumice stones, etc. nothing ever works...NOTHING
That is....until about 2 weeks ago. I saw an ad on the TV and was interested in what I saw, a couple days later I saw the ad in the ShopKo flyer and I bought it.
I immediatley went to work on my pathetic feet and to my surprise noticed a difference right away. I wish now that I would have done before and after pics but I really didnt think it would work (like all the other gimics).
So I found a before pic of someone elses heel that was similar to mine, but believe me, mine were way worse, my family will testify to that one. So here's the pic of someone elses heel
And here's the pic of my heel after only 3 times using the Ped Egg.
Seriously...It's a miracle


  1. Now we know that it works. The heel looks like a new one. I've seen them ugly heels of yours and they are not purrrrty.

  2. Wow! I need to get this for Rick! He has the same issues with the balls of his feet. Thanks for the tip Jackie! Your feet look amazing! Congrats!

  3. That's so cool that it works! I sometimes have trouble in the summer, when I'm barefoot more often....now I know what to do!

    Love the "cutest blog on the block" side bars!

  4. Anonymous3:23 AM

    I bought the Ped Egg about 2 months ago- it does work well. FYI- the "before" picture you posted looks like some sort of nasty fungus growing on that person's feet.

  5. i have seen those heels before. they were.....well...your feet look so much better! Nice work! now you don't have to be ashamed anymore! hooray! you are beautiful anyway...cracked feet or not! love yoU!
