A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

On the side bar of my blog I have a "bucket list" for 2009, and one of the things I listed was to try a new recipe everyweek. Every week might be pushin' it but it's a goal of mine.
Tonight was "Try a new recipe night"
You start with 8 oz of lean pork tenderloin (cut in strips)
Here are some of the ingrediants...
In the small white cup above is fresh ginger root and garlic.
A cambodian friend of mine brought me the ginger root since I had no idea what is was and she had plenty at home. She told me I needed to use the real thing, not just the powdered ginger you find in a can in the bakery isle in the grocery store. (Thanks Mealdey)
The oils and sauces and a little salt for the pasta.
I went with the whole mushrooms in a jar cuz I thought they would be easier to pick out. To my surprise there was no one picking them out.
The pork needs to marinate for 20 minutes in the soysauce garlic and ginger.
So while you wait start the water boiling for the pasta.
Stir-fry the pork along with the mushrooms for about 6 minutes
Add chicken broth, more soy sauce, carrots, sesame oil and pasta
and you've got yourself some ....
Yummy Asian Cuisine
On a scale of 1 to 10 here's what it got
Me 7
Rick 7-8
Gavin 5 ( way to be a trooper Gavin)
I wont bore you with the recipe and details but if anyone wants to give it a try, let me know and I'll get you the recipe

1 comment:

  1. Looks yummy. I'm too lazy to do all that prep and go get the ingredients I would need.
