A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's day...
Spent the day with my sweetie!
Rick had a lovely assortment of roses and lilly's on the counter for me this morning. He's so sweet. I'm pretty sure I have been getting roses from him every year since we first started dating (almost) 32 yrs ago.
We left for the Twin cities at 10:45am, first stop...my nephew's Basketball game. It was fun to watch Sam play, he's quite the "go-getter". Then over to my sister's for a brief visit.
Hooked up with another little sweetie (our Brice) at Caribou coffee. Brice is usually sitting at caribou working on homework any spare moment he has. We only stayed a minute, cuz we had to get to our next destination AND Brice needed to stay focused. It was a short, but SWEET visit.
On to Roseville to eat at my favorite restraunt, "Granite City". We had a gift card that we got for Christmas from Jenny (Brice's fiance'), so we figured it would be the perfect time to use it...Thanks Jenny :)
Half way home Rick stopped so I could get my a latte at Caribou, and we needed gas for the car.
Now we are home watching the "slam dunk contest" with Gavin. Brie and Chris stopped over too so we're all hangin' out whooping it up!
So there you have it, Happy Valentine's Day to you all !!!


  1. My unsweetened sweety gave me two scratch offs and a power ball ticket. I won $10.00 on the scratch offs and I don't think I won anything on the power ball thingy. How did Sam do?

  2. fun day for you, whoop!

  3. Roseville is a whopping 5 minutes from me! You could have visited your sweet niece! MEEEEEEE! next time, right?

    glad you had a nice day!
