A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Waitin' on the snow

Dirty melted snow is NOT my idea of winter. If it's gonna be cold and it's February, well then....
It ought to be snowin'
I will be looking forward to the big snows of March. If you live in Minnesota you know what I mean !
Every March we get a big snow storm with alot of accumulation of that pretty white stuff. But just in case you dont remember, here's a few years that I captured the "March snow storms" whoop whoop
March 21 2008
March 2, 2007
March 18, 2005
(Note 9 inches, it was glorius)


  1. It is very beautiful

  2. Nothing like what I grew up with.
    Having to take the milk a mile across the field to get to the milk truck. The roads wern't plowed out for weeks. Snow fence post high then some. Cars wouldn't start. Used the horses for most travel. You young'un don't know.

  3. There is definitely something wrong with this...

  4. Anonymous11:18 AM

    that snow storm in 2005 actually delayed my plane 6hrs to get out of colorado to come back home from spring break. i wasn't too happy about that!
