A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Lungs are singing

I'm sure a fair amount of you know what this is.....
...Yes that's right, It's an "Inhaler"
I have this little contraption, but No... I don't have asthma.
In fact the last time I used this little contraption was back in 2005.
Here's how it goes
ONCE... every 3-4 yrs I get some dumb viral thing that claims my bronchiole's (Any of the small, thin-walled tubes that branch from a bronchus and end in the alveolar sacs of the lung. )
First sign is the dreaded WHEEZE, It's loud enough to wake me up in the night. Then comes the cough which ususally sets off a chain reaction and causes my bronchiole's to spams, which equals, non-stop coughing trigggered by every single breath (medical term: Bronchospasm). This usually turns into Bronchitis ( Inflammation, acute or chronic, of the bronchial tubes or any part of them. ) and after about 3 weeks of coughing up my lung, I reluctantly go into the doctor so he can tell me what I already know.
My last bout of this annoyance was 2005, at that time I needed to be put on steroids & antibiotics along with the inhaler. It was about the same time of year cuz I remember coughing my fool head off at my neice and nephews b-day party, which also happens to be this coming weekend.
Last night I started the wheezing...I found my inhaler stuffed somewhere in the back of my headboard cupboard, I know the medicine inside of it is 4 years old but I figure it cant hurt to try. So I shook it up and gave me 2 squirts puffs, I think it helped a bit. The loud hissing, wheeze turned into a softer buzz, after a bit of coughing I managed to get back to sleep. Today the wheeze is there, the cough is worse extremely annoying, and the nose has begun to run, Blahhhhhhhh humph!
I can only hope that this doesn't repeat what history already knows. I will be on my deathbed before I ever go on prednisone again (nasty stuff) and as long as there is some medicine left in the inhaler, and it seems to be working I'll get through it.
If any of you are the "praying type", give a shout out that this will not progress to the worse case senerio.
I got to go get me a couple of puffs.... Ha


  1. Puff the magic dragon lives by the sea.

  2. Zicam at the first sign of any symptoms kicks ass! DO IT Jackie! I started to get a nasty sore throat on Monday eveing of last week. I started using Zicam nasal gel that night. I got stuffy on Tuesday. A nasty sneezy mucus mess on WEdnesday and got better by Thursday. Friday I was good to go and now on vacation feeling wonderful. It is amazing stuff! Really! Other option would be to come on down and bake it out here in Mexico. There's room to sleep in my jacuzzi!! Get better soon.

  3. sounds like you gots what i got!! I've been coughing for 3 weeks...:( and runny nose for 2...felt icky the week before cough...good luck!!!
