A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

It's warm in here...I'm thankful for that

Well it's been sort of an uneventful weekend. As I get up off the couch feeling weak and exhausted I begin to "Blog" and remember all that I am thankful for.....
  1. Even though the house is empty and quiet, I have a wonderful fire keeping me company. Did I mention warm? (Rick and Gavin are in the cities celebrating my Niece Alex and Nephew Grant's birthdays) I miss you all, Happy birthday kiddo's.
  2. I may be sick with this Viral bronchitias, but atleast I dont have a disease that's incurable.
  3. My head hurts from all the coughing, but I have a great stock of Advil and Excedrin migraine in the cupboard.
  4. My nose hurts from all the blowing, but I have soft Kleenex tissues so I dont have to use "mcDonalds" napkins.
  5. I can't sleep very well laying flat in bed, but I have a great soft cozy chair in the living room that fits me just right, and I can sleep in that.
  6. That sound of wheezing, frothing in my upper airway is annoying but my NEW inhaler helps take care of that every 4 hours or so.
  7. When my cough drops don't seem to be helping my cough, that's ok because the menthol in them seems to clear my nose a bit so I can breath.
  8. Even though I hate this persistant cough, I love the taste of cough syrup. Thank you Ms. Nurse Practioner who prescribed that lovely cough syrup with codeine.
Speaking of Codeine.... I probably should not take that after midnight tonight. Tomorrow morning I report to the Government center as part of my civil duty. I have been summond for jury duty and must report at 8:30am. Jury duty is a no excuse kind of duty... sick or not.
I'm hoping tomorrow finds me a bit better. Hopefully not coughing and sputtering to much. Maybe if I'm too obnoxious, I will be dismissed. I quess we'll see how that all pans out !
Tomorrow night also is our last night of dance lessons before we go into the next advanced session. I WILL feel good enough to go....yes i will. If nothing else it will be good for me to get out and move a bit.

Last but not least I want to give a SHOUT OUT to my Friend Cheri who is celebrating a special birthday today. Hope you're enjoying your day :)


  1. I've had a wonderful day ...and weekend--thanks for the shout-out!

    Hope you feel better tomorrow friend...so you can dance, go out to dinner....and just because I want you to feel better!

  2. I hope you start to feel better soon! I don't like you having to cough and sleep in the chair! Love you!

  3. Anonymous11:47 AM

    are you on the jury for that murder trial?
