A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I'm off the hook.

The selection started 4 days ago. I reported to the Government center as one of 75 potential jurors for a Murder case. There would be 12 chosen with 2 alternates.... I was in "Group 8" which means there was 3 days of double session jury selection before they even got to my group. By the time I was up for questioning which was today, they had already selected 11 and 7 of them were clinic employees. I figured my chances were probably pretty slim and I was right.

After waiting 2 1/2 hours in a room with 8 other potential jurors (we were all brought in for questioning one by one) the door opened and my name was called. So out to the courtroom I went. Me... the judge the defense and state attorney's, the defendent (accused of Murder) and some peeps in the background.
I sat infront, up in those chairs by the judge and was quized for 30 minutes. The attorneys for the state were not involved in my questioning at all. They just sat there and had looks on their faces like..... Here we go again listenting to that annoying defense attorney asking the same questions over and over. I think I might have been a little fiesty for those deffense guys. At one point when the Defense guy referred to an answer I had given on a questioneer, I corrected him because he tried to leave a word out that was important to me...so I corrected him. HA
So now that's behind me and I can just get on with my life.
Did you all enjoy that "Thunder snow" today. We heard it loud and clear while waiting in our juror room. We had a nice view of outside, the lightning was spectacular. I love Thundersnow, it's just so cool...a thundertorm in the winter.


  1. So No murder trial? Awww...I was looking forward to you being the next John Grisham blog story teller. Now I'm bummed. But it sounds like you're feeling better-Yay!

  2. Anonymous3:49 PM

    I had a feeling it was for that murder trial. I heard on the news that they were selecting the jury. Glad you don't have to do it. All you would have had to say was "I think he's guilty" and they would have let you off the hook for bias or something like that. ha!

  3. I'm so glad that you don't have to do jury duty, Jackie! Yuck! What was the important word they left out?

  4. Why am I the only one who saw the snow but saw nothing of the lightening or heard the thunder? Oh well. I'm glad you're not in the jury, you stay away from the bad guys, oh wait, he's innocent.
