A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

A re-designed Vodka bottle

I don't have alot of Brice's "work" to show off, but I can tell you he's a gifted young man. Most of what he does is in his computer. In the four years that Brice has been at the College of Visual Arts he has had a great eduaction in drawing, interactive design, sculpture, photography, Type, more design and a bunch of stuff I dont even know about. Math, English and History was also intergrated in his teachings.
He's a humble guy and it takes some coaxing to see his creations.
He's happy to share when we ask, and on a rare occasion he'll say, "mum, ya wanna see what I'm doing in school?" so he breaks out his laptop and we sit and look. I'm always amazed, and wonder sometimes, where does he get that from.

Freshman show, a few drawing
A wire apple ( I guess that's the sculpture part of his schooling)
A random photo that brice labeled, "JUICE", I guess that's appropriate.
Brice had an assingment last semester, something to do with,"picking a label (product)" and then redesigning it into his own. Of course Brice had to choose a "Phillips Vodka bottle", not a M&M package or TIDE laundry detergent box...but liquor. OH well...his reasoning is that bottles are cool and liquor labels are equally cool. Above is a photo of the bottle Brice chose to redesign.
Below is his work...
I'm quite amazed, even down to the intricate detail of a shadow.
My favorite is the Brown label (vanilla) Which one do you like best???
Brice's redesign of a rather plain vodka bottle
Brice I am so proud of your accomplishments, and how hard you work to make things "yours". You are on your way to being an amazing designer!!! Two more grueling months, give it all you got and try to get some sleep while you're at it.


  1. The last picture is priceless.

  2. Wow! Amazing stuff! He's gonna be very successful! Now if the economy would just serve him better with a good job. That would be great! Good Luck Brice! Very proud of you! And I LOOOOOVE the new Vodka bottle! I'd buy it just for the design!!!!

  3. haha, i love that last pic. Also, I think brice's bottles are way cooler than the original. i don't know how he does what he does! You're almost done Bricey, hang in there.

  4. the redesign looks amazing! I had no idea brice was doing work like that...but it doesn't surprise me. Brice is very talented! Nice work and best wishes to you Bricey!

  5. Ver' nice work Brice! I'd buy the bottles just because they are pretty! My eye is drawn to the blue and red.
