A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Winter or spring ????

This is actually the time of year that I despise ......
Judging from the above pictures that I took today,
it's hard to tell if it's winter or spring.

These two aren't sure either.

The pot holes in the street are awful, and everything is murky gray.
I'm afraid spring is still a ways off, so I'll just have to put-up with this in-between stuff for now.

On a little brighter note (atleast for us girls who love purses)
Have any of you seen this purse? (captured this pic in the Target parking lot)
It's a purse with an exchangable MAGNETIC outer cover. So the outer cover just snaps in place.... a friend of mine has one and she presently has a tiger print cover. It's a great idea and I wish I had come up with it. I think I need to get one of these.


  1. With the world as it is today I think you have enough purses and rings. You better save your money for bad times. and so you can feed my grandsons.

  2. I saw these purses last year and considered selling them. They have some amazing covers and it would certainly save storage room!

  3. Cool dude. I'll take this weather over freezing any day!

  4. Anonymous1:43 PM

    by the way- do you sneakily take these pictures of random people? If you are not careful- someone could report you for being creepy! hehehe
