A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Taking a break to update

Ok, I couldnt stand it no more, I should be scrapbooking right now but I needed a break and this is what I do when I need a break.
I've been busy lately with "LIFE". Everything is good, just busy.
Sometimes I think I make myself more busy than I need to be,
but I cant help it....that's how I work.
So here's a little update for your viewing pleasure....
Katie's bridal shower is checked off the list (which was alot of fun).
Mom's surgery is done and everything went well,
thanks for all the prayers out there from my "Prayer warrior friends".
Gavin's Grad announcements are mailed, and I've started the scrapbook.
Whew, last few weeks have been sort of a whirlwind.....
...but then there's a little someone who makes you forget about all the "stuff"
"A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty."
Yesterday we got to spend most of the day with Audrey and Brianna at Gavin's meet in Austin. Audrey likes to travel and she was an angel as usual (and I'm not just saying that cuz I'm her Granma)! Last night Brianna & Chris had a date night so we had little Audrey to ourselves for a few hours. She is such a sweetie-pie and so stinkin' cute. She's almost 5 weeks old now and very close to smiling, I'm predicting in the next few days she'll be there. Her Cheeks are irresistable, and her little forhead is so kissable,
Ohhhhhhhhhhh I could just hold her and smooch her all day :)
Sigh.... I've fallen for this one !


  1. Awww...what a sweetie pie. She loved playing with you and dad last night :) And she likes being kissed repeatedly on the cheeks :) PS: I got Gav's invitation and it looks good! Way to go! And way to go starting the scrapbook :)

  2. it goes by so fast! the older Audrey gets, the more Brianna i see in her...i think. She's so sweet. Just the most precious little baby girl.

    thanks for gav's grad invitation! i'll do my best to be there! xoxox.

  3. She is a cutie for sure. I love to watch her make her little faces.

  4. Soooooo sweet! Very kissable. You can't resist her! Thank God for this blessing!
