A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Guess what I'll be doing for the next 2 weeks....

At Graduation time,
I put together a scrapbook, from birth to 18, for each of my kids.
That's alot of years.
I was able to work on Brice and Brie's the summer before their senior year while up at "camp" on our vacations. It's nice cuz I can basically "set up shop" and go at it.
Well last year we werent able to go to camp so therefore I didnt get that nice chunk of time to work on Gavin's book.
Well now I've waited till 2 weeks before his Grad party to start the book,
and so the process begins.....
First step is to go through millions of pictures and pull the ones I like, the ones that would make a great page, the ones that bring back memories which is about everyone I look at.
They need to go in catagories,
i.e. vacations, friends, siblings, family, extended family, sports and so on.
Then from those catagories the pages start to become a story of their life....

I'm very lucky to have a gifted daughter that helps with a few of the pages, she creates the "siblings pages" which helps me out immensely, and it's great cuz it's from her perspective as Gavin's "sibling" She always comes up with great pages...Thanks Brie :)


My kitchen will be my scrapbooking haven for the next 2 weeks, it will look like the pictures below until the day before the party, which at that time I hope to at least have half of the book put togethter.

I guess we'll be eating dinner on the floor....or maybe we'll just have to go out to eat every night :)


  1. Busy girl and I don't help making you go to the clinic with me for my appointments. And it's not going to slack off for a while. But you won't have to go with me now. Good scraping.

  2. Looks good girl! My motto is: "If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done".

  3. I love it....thanks Cheri

  4. I like the going out to eat part. The scrapbook has a great start. Nice job girls! Jackie...I can empathize. I have 2 tables set up in my living room with my crystals! It looks so nice I can't stand to think about putting them away! I just hope I don't get any company-there's no place to sit them!

  5. Thanks for letting me help, it's fun to have a part in it. Yeh, just go out to eat, it's fun. Or grill some food and eat outside with your fam. oh wait, we did that :) Love love

  6. I would like Gavy to wear a grown-up version of his 3-month-old sailor outfit.

