A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Random thoughts

Front yard photos...

...nothing to get excited about, just thought it would be nicer to look at than my scrapbooking mayhem.
Off the subject...
I have the best 2 boys in the world, BUT.... sometimes they can make their mother nuts (in a good way, when it's all said and done).
They make me laugh, cry, so proud and annoyed at the same time.
Last night at 3:30 am I was talking to one in his bed and turned around to another one standing an inch from my face,...i think I gasped. Remember this was 3:30am on a school night for the youngest goof. (dont ask...it's a long story)

Lord...what's a mother to do? As my mom would say, "PUNT" ha ha

My neighbor lady Mary ann told me today that each "boy offspring" you have, will take 46 weeks off your life, and every female offspring will add 26 weeks to your life.... She has 5 boys! (bummer for her) I told her since she's about 5 yrs older than me and i only have 2 boys, but one girl (bonus) that we will probably equal out and croak in the same year. Can you tell I'm tired.... remember, I was up at 3:30am hanging with my BOYS :)

How can I not just melt....I Love you two :)


  1. Jeepers....and the boys still get you up in the night? (or keep you up?).

    You need sleep.
    Can I help do anything for the open house? Bake? Cook?

    p.s. it's ok if the scrapbook isn't finished!

  2. Put a tin ear on both of them boys and tell them to shape up NOW. Don't they relize the older the mother gets the less her heart can take.
