A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Last bus ride home

Section Finals... Check out the video

Last meet of his high school career, Seated 14th but took 9th place out of 37 throwers. Personal Record of 135 ft 2 inches. Way to go Gavin....


Coach pep-talk... (there really is a coach)
"Come on Gavin, It's your last throw...make it count"

Grandpa and gavin keeping an eye on the competition

That's my boy

Above, winners take the podium, (Gavin far Left)

The last bus ride home.... Tyler & Gavin (forground)

C0-captains Century throwing team.


  1. Way to go Gavin. Congrats.

  2. I'm so proud Gavin! I'd like to point out that it was 135 feet, not 35 feet (that would be a little sad) heehee
