A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Zero for two...

While waiting to be dismissed row by row at a funeral today, I felt the familiar buzz from my cell phone as I had my purse tucked under my arm. I looked at the called ID and saw it was Brice. I had a bad feeling...and figured it had something to do with his teeth.
Here's a little background. Brice had his wisdom teeth out 7 days ago. All went well until thursday night, he was awoken in the night with pretty severe pain that really didnt go away with Vicodin or ES Tylenol. He called Oral surgery at the clinic and they told him he should come in, "sounds like a dry socket". So home he comes back from St.Paul to spend 1.5 hours in the waiting room on East 12 at Mayo. Long story short.. He got packed and let go. Things seemed good until today.

The phone call:

Brice: I picked a piece of food out of my tooth, (while sitting in church) then I felt something else there and picked that out too, except it was kinda like a piece of flesh and bloody.

Me: Brice...remember you're not suppose to pick at the holes..so what happened

Brice: well a large collection of blood pooled between my gum and teeth and it started growing into a bigger lump so I went to the drug store and got some gauze to put back there. Icalled Mayo and they said if it stopped bleeding it's probably ok. *** I'm guessing a 1st year resident took that call !

Me: Brice you need to pack that gauze way back there all around the tooth and hold pressure around it. Hopefully the blood will reabsorb into the tissue...now I'm pretty sure you'll have a dry socket on that top tooth too.

Brice: " Yah I took the packing out of my two bottom teeth....*silence

Me: Why.... that's not suppose to come out ! *sigh

Brice: it was coming out on it's own anyway.

Me : OH

The phone conversation ended on that note, with instructions to call me later to see how things are progressing. Grrrrr , this is our 2nd child, 2nd time with complications..Stupid stupid stupid.

LESSON LEARNED....Gavin's not getting his wisdom teeth out! ! !

P.S. Brice showed up at home at 5:45am, pain, couldnt sleep...grrrrrr


  1. Poor Bricy. I feel for him. Hope he gets better soon.

  2. Sad Bricey (Brice showed up at 5am today? Like he's home now? Or were you referring to a few days ago?)

  3. Yep...today, sigh

  4. yikes. poor brice. Get better.
