A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Summer is moving right along, I think the older we get the faster it goes...
I thought It was suppose to be the other way around.
Oh well It's all good!
Rick and I decided to to purchase a fun little bike carrier so we can take our grandkids biking with us. Audrey is still a bit to little but maybe later this fall we can take her for a spin in it. Rick thought he'd take it for a little test drive, we think it's pretty cool.
On Monday Brice got his wisdom teeth out. Things went well so we'll keep our fingers crossed that he doesnt get "Dry sockets" like Brianna. He left this morning to go back up to St. Paul. It was fun having him home with us for 3 WHOLE DAYS.....whoop !

More summer fun....
Gavin and his friends have been "coming around" lately to hang out at the house. I love when they show up here to play Basketball in the driveway and,... get "buzz cuts"....Ha

Gavin and Andrew randomly asked me to buzz their hair, so I went to it. They both seemed glad they did it!

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  1. nate just got buzzed too. I love buzz cuts!

  2. nice stache Brice. yikes. poor kid. glad you're keeping busy AJ! I miss you!

  3. What a couple of buzz heads. Brice looks like a gopher, but he is still cute. Audery will like her rides.

  4. I also hope he doesn't get dry sockets! Also, his heart rhythm looks off, I'm thinking 1st degree block, playin! Nice buzz jobs.
