A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Friday, October 23, 2009

An early visit

I will never take Minnesota's first substantial snowfall for granted.
It's not that it's so surprising,
Lord knows it's gonna eventually snow,
It's minnesota for goodness sakes.
It's just so beautiful and qentle and calming.
Today is October 23rd...
the first undeniable snowfall has arrived !
I"m a "born & raised" Minnesotan
and I'd have to say,
this time, it took my by surprise...
just a little
So out came my camera, when it all started this morning,
One minute it was fall with beautiful, colorful leaves
and the next minute...
WINTER ! ! !



This afternoon I jumped in the car to shoot some winter delight... In October

Gavin shoveling,

Something tells me this will all be gone by tomorrow afternoon, but that's ok...
It's only October 23rd, I need to mow a few more times....
and the farmers need to get their corn in.


  1. that one picture is soooo pretty. Today as I was out and about I decided to just not care that my shoes were soaked through to my socks and my pants were wet to to my calves. The photographer at Target today pulled a softball size chunck of snow outta my hood. Whatev...snow will come and I'll try to deal with it happily.

  2. l.o.v.e. the winter solace pic!
    Way to make the best of it.

  3. I had to drive in this mess and cried for most of it with fingers clenching the steering wheel! A woman missed a turn, careened up the curb and stopped 6" from my driver's car door! That did it! I called Rick and sobbed into the phone! Haven't been this stressed in years!! Why do I live here? Not so pretty when you're in the middle of it! Uuugh!
