A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Birthday girl

26 years ago (tomorow) I was blessed with a little bundle of joy, she was all mine...we'll I guess Rick's too

Born Saturday, January 31st at 3:38pm (about 7 hours after arriving at the hospital)

I was a mere 23 yrs old, just a baby myself, but so ready to start a family.
We were thilled to have a little girl and we had already picked her name before she was born

Brianna Marie
Origin Celtic ; strong one
2 1/2 months old and already holding her head up like nobody's business.
7 months old and wishing she was out of this contraption.
That sweet little face... such a precious baby.

at 9 months she was already walking... and venturing up the stairs
We had good times in the kitchen...
...and still do

Pure joy...

already a lovely young lady at age 10...

...and a beautiful, strong, intelligent young woman
she's become at 26
Happy Birthday to our special girl
We love you Brianna...


  1. Awww, thanks Mama! That's such a sweet blog :) I like all the pics :) I can't believe how old I am seriously how did that happen. Thanks for taking such good care of me then and now too! Love you :) I know you'll be thinking of me @ 3:38 xoxoxoxo.

  2. Oh, and thanks to Daddy too of course :)

  3. Happy birthday Brianna Sue. And many more.

  4. Happy Special Day Brianna! Love you!!

  5. Sweet, sweet pictures of a sweet young woman.

  6. sweet pictures. Happy Birthday, Brie! love you!
