A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter dessert

With Easter being just a few days away, I thought I'd share with you a fun little cake that I made last year to sit on the dessert table.

It's one of those cakes you can easily make just by looking at the photo...

Buy a Chocolate cake mix and bake it up like it says on the box
for a double-layer round cake.
Frost it with your chocolate frosting of choice....
Fill the center with chocolate chips, then
Outline the edge with mashmallow "peeps"



  1. I remember that! Coolio.

  2. What do you do if Peeps are your least favorite Easter candy? Could I use the Robin's eggs malted chocolate candies instead? Maybe not the same effect huh? WEll for those who love them-enjoy!

  3. I know of a few people who made that cake this year. Taste of Home idea? It's very cute.

  4. Cindy, just take the "peep" off and give it to someone who likes it :)

    Cheri, not sure where the idea came from...A friend of mine at work shared it with me :)

  5. I LOVE PEEPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I"LL TAKE IT MOM!!!!!

    mmmm, i can't wait to stuff myself full of peeps. i can't wait!
