A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Gettin' my "macro" on

  • I love Photography...always have
  • I dont pretent to know what I'm doing...but I love to try.
  • Someday I hope to take some classes...
  • So I can claim to be a real photograher (of sorts)
  • I Love to take nature shots... flowers, trees and water droplets, ha ha
  • and I love to use my macro function....get real close up

My son once told me.... "well mom, anyone can take flower picture", I agree.

I also love to take photos at night...
In my gardens...
at the lake

just about anywhere I see a pretty flower

Stay tuned for part two...
My other favorite photography subject... people


  1. These are soooo pretty Jackie! You do have an eye for beauty!

  2. I luv your pics :) I like the lily of the valley one, such cute flowers. One of those pics hangs proudly in our bathroom!

  3. Very nice. The beauty is in the eye of the shooter for all to see.

  4. Thanks for sharing those wonderful macros! You don't need a class...!

  5. those are beautiful pics AJ! someday, when i have my own place to decorate...I'm going to commission you to take some good photos! :)
