A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Trippin' to Ohio
A few weeks ago my daughter asked me if I would go with her to Cincinatti to see her best friend Cara. My response was...."yeah, lets do it". She thought it would also be fun to bring our friend Cheri who happens to be Cara's mom....are you still following. Cara's sister Danae joined us as well which made it even more fun.

So Friday morning the five of us left bright and early for Cincinatti Ohio, 12 hours later we arrived at Cara's front door
First the hugs

after our greetings and a little catching up we went for dinner to a great place called "Skyline Chili". It was an amazing dish of pasta covered in chili, cheese, onions and sour cream... amazing

There really is no order to the rest of the story...

just good times with great friends

The girls...Cara, Danae & Brianna

Me and my girl

Shopping at the outlet mall. Notice the bounce in Danae's step...
she gets the award for best shopper !

All dolled-up with lots of places to go

Cara's boyfriend Tim joined us on Sunday, we spent the day checkin' out sites in Cincy

Here's some of the cool house....I love the colors
We visited a super cool grocery store called Jungle Jims, there's no words for this place
They have groceries for every country so it was fun seeing all the different kinds of foods....
Me, Cara & Cheri checking out the fruit, I loved my baby pineapple.

Wine, wine and more wine.

Brianna's checking out the peppers

Such a sweet friendship...
We would find Brianna & Cara walking hand in hand quite often.

Picking fresh basil that Cara started from seed.
The girls put a great pasta salad together for supper Saturday night.

Cincinatti nightscape

We are standing in Kentucky, looking across at the "Great American ball park".
The Reds were playing

One of the beautiful parks we visited

Here we are in front of this fountain in the city.
Trying to cool off
Man, Ohio is HOT & HUMID, whew..this was a refreshing moment

Friends getting into mischief....just like when they were little girls.
*Sign read.... "No wading in fountain"
The girls thoughts,"what are they gonna do.... just tell us to get out"
We just smiled and watched them have fun !


  1. SO fun spending the weekend together -- and so thankful for meeting you and moving onto your street 18 years ago!
    Love you guys!

  2. Looks like all had fun. I can't believe Brianna's friend led her astray. Wading in a pool with a sign that said not too. The little outlaws.

  3. It was her idea Granny...i just did it first!!!!

  4. Um, Cara, I think it was your idea! Good blog mom, that was so fun. I was also thinking how cool it was that we started out as neighboors and became life-long friends! Thanks for going everyone!
