A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

As promised...
just a few of my favorite people shots
They all have a name
They all have touched my life in one way or another
Thanks guys for letting me practice and for putting up with my camera in your face.
My beautiful daughter-in-law Jennifer
field of dreams
My beautiful daughter 7 months pregnant with our 1st grandbaby
The glow of a new mamma-to-be

This is my oldest son in which this blog is titled.... He makes me laugh !
I love this picture... it's pure joy

My neice Jensen

My neice Jensen and 2nd cousin hannah
Sweet Childhood

Just Gavin
Sweet Sara

My son-in-law Chris with his daughter
daddy's little girl

Audrey & Grandpa
face to face

All because two people fell in love

Ya gotta break up the monotony with some fun

Capturing moments of my granddaughter
Who's lookin' at ya kid

She was a beauty...just had to have her picture
Just a pretty face

newborn photoshoot
sleeping beauty

Miss Oliviya...so photogenic
Blue eyes

My daughter and her girls (in the wedding)
Do you have a favorite???
I'd like to know what you think !


  1. A favorite, oh jeesh, I love them all. But I'm a bit partial to the one of Chris with Audrey, to me, it's the sweetest :) I also love the one of Audrey up real close to Dad and the one with our rings on her tosies. I also love the one of my friends and I walking, it's just so cool and colorful :)

  2. They are all precious. Can't choose.

  3. I've always liked the one of Brie and the girls in the wedding....i guess because it's different.

    that said, they are all good pics!

  4. I like them all, but I've always liked the one with the friends in the mall!
