A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Darn birds anyway

Last fall my "Mr. do-it-himself" husband replaced our patio door that goes out onto our deck.
He didnt know what to do with the door at the time so he set it down under the deck..up against the shed...
winter came...
...and went, then spring came.
Last weekend I asked my dear husband if he will be taking care of that door anytime soon ???
His response was, " well not for awhile"
"WHY", I replied....

"because there's a nest on top of the door"
Dont worry mommy bird, we'll wait until your babies fly the coop


  1. You made a "Habitat for humanity". How sweet.

  2. Keep a close eye.... robins will many times raise two "nests full" !! That door could be there for a couple months! ;)

  3. that's really sweet! i like the baby pic!
