A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

You have to wonder....

This is the results from the storm last night, that's right...
Saturday night
This all took place along 55th street, the street right in front of our street

split down the middle - this house is across from our house and just kitty-corner a bit.

About a block from our house...
big ole tree down and across the drive way,
luckily it wasnt too close to the house in the background.

Neighbors at the end of our street and across the road
That's some kind of a metal shed under that big tree, YIKES
You have t0 wonder if we had another "touchdown"
Hard to tell in the photo's but them are some big trees !

My flowers seem unscathed, just lots of branches and twigs in the yard.


  1. Yikes! I also saw a split tree on 18th ave this am when I was driving home. It's crazy how much damage wind can do.

  2. Wow! That was some storm! We just got thunder, lightning and rain last night...missed us on Friday night but enough of a threat to ruin our golf date :( Glad you (and your flowers!) are okay

  3. WOW. That was too close for comfort. Great pictures tho. We had wind and 1 and 1/2 inches of rain. Also lots of thunder and lighting.

  4. Saw all this (and more) on our walk Sunday. Also saw the fence at our old house was blown down...looked like the posts cracked at the ground!

  5. jkdo you think maybe lightening did all this instead of wind? I mean- it looks like the trees were split- ya know? Anyway- either way it was a craxy storm saturday night...

  6. wow, i'm glad nothing happened to that tree in your front yard...that would have been tragic. Glad everyone is ok.
