A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My eBay treasure

I've been on the prowl for some REAL clothespins

and I finally found some on Ebay.
Clothespins are no longer made like they used to be... (saying that makes me feel old)
Nowadays the wooden clothespins are cheaply make, they arn't seasoned so that they give-a-little when you hang up a pair of denim jeans. The new ones crack, and splinter and they are basically useless.
The last few years I have had to pick up a few of the "pincher" style pins, but they dont do a very good job of keeping the clothes on the line when there's a strong wind, on the other hand my "new" vintage pins do. I got 40 of them, they are in good used condition, and nicely seasoned
They are wrapped with a strong wire which keep them from breaking.
Here they are mingled in with my other clothespins

Perfect for those hard to hold up jeans. These jeans aint goin' no where.

A row of Gavin's tee shirts...can you tell that color he likes?


  1. I will agree that these are the best clothes pins based off my years of helping you with laundry, they are easiest to put on/off the line quickly and they don't leave a mark in the clothes. That's cool that you found some good 'ol pins.

  2. Good ol wire wraped pins are the best.

  3. glad you found some that suit you and your needs! those little things are the things that makes us happy! :) Happy Laundering!

  4. Love the clothespins! They bring back lots of memories for me!
